Informed Graph Search
Prerequisites: | Preliminaries | Hello-world |
Informed graph search
In this exercise we look at weighted graph and related search algorithms for finding the shortest path. Specifically, you are tasked with the implementation of two algorithms: Uniform Cost Search (UCS) and A*.
Graph structures
In this exercise we need to augment the AdjacencyList
seen in Exercise
to keep track of the weights on the edges. A simple extension is the following:
class WeightedGraph:
adj_list: AdjacencyList
weights: Mapping[Tuple[X, X], float]
_G: MultiDiGraph
def get_weight(self, u: X, v: X) -> Optional[float]:
:param u: The "from" of the edge
:param v: The "to" of the edge
:return: The weight associated to the edge, raises an Exception if the edge does not exist
return self.weights[(u, v)]
except KeyError:
raise EdgeNotFound(f"Cannot find weight for edge: {(u, v)}")
def _get_node_attribute(self, node_id: X, attribute: NodeAttribute) -> Any:
Private method of class WeightedGraph
:param node_id: The node id
:param attribute: The node attribute name
:return: The corresponding value
return self._G.nodes[node_id][attribute]
def get_node_coordinates(self, u: X) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Method of class WeightedGraph:
:param u: node id
:return (x, y): coordinates (LON & LAT) of node u
return self._G.nodes[u][NodeAttribute.LONGITUDE], self._G.nodes[u][NodeAttribute.LATITUDE]
We will be using connectivity graphs of a few (famous) cities around the world; sometimes, these cities will also be connected to their nearest neighboring cities (you can find a clue on how this is done in the file ‘exercises_def/ex03/’).
In order to properly implement your algorithms, you will need to get some property from the nodes (e.g., their position on the map).
You can access a nodes coordinate using the method get_node_coordinates()
The edge weight between 2 nodes is given as the travel time required to go from a node to the other, and it is directly retrievable with the function get_weight()
Implement the following algorithms in src/pdm4ar/exercises/ex03/
class UniformCostSearch(InformedGraphSearch):
def path(self, start: X, goal: X) -> Path:
# todo
class Astar(InformedGraphSearch):
# ...provided code...
def _INTERNAL_heuristic(self, u: X, v: X) -> float:
# todo
return 0
def path(self, start: X, goal: X) -> Path:
# todo
return []
Unlike UCS, A* is an informed algorithm thus requires implementing a heuristic function. While worst time complexity is the same for UCS and A*, the use of an admissible heuristic often leads to a lower number of explored nodes to find the shortest path. If not path is found, your algorithms should return an empty list.
You are free to implement the _INTERNAL_heuristic
function based on any metric of your choice (make sure it is admissible!).
There exist many distance metrics. Below is provided a visual representation of the most common.
image reference
As mentioned, the edge weight between 2 nodes is given as travel time. There’s a finite number (4) of speed regimes that can be followed along an edge, as represented in the class below.
You can access the speed value using the .value
property of the struct, i.e. HIGHWAY.value
class TravelSpeed(float, Enum):
HIGHWAY = 100.0 / 3.6
SECONDARY = 70.0 / 3.6
CITY = 50.0 / 3.6
PEDESTRIAN = 5.0 / 3.6
In addition to evaluating the correctness of your path, we will also evaluate your heuristic. If you choose a good heuristic, your algorithm will explore fewer nodes, and therefore your heuristic will be called less often. Therefore, the number of times your heuristic is called provides a good metric for your algorithm’s efficiency. We will plug your heuristic function into our Astar solution and count how many times it is called. As a baseline, we will compare it with the “trivial” heuristic, which always returns 0 (this is algorithm is equivalent to UCS). We refer to the ratio of these values as the “heuristic efficiency”. With a well chosen heuristic, your efficiency should be below 1.
To get a sense of your heuristic efficiency, you can judge its performance on your own implementation of Astar. Every time you want to calculate the heuristic in path
, make sure you call the heuristic
function. Then, the evaluator will then run your Astar algorithm in two different modes. In the first run, the heuristic
function will call the function that you implemented in _INTERNAL_heuristic
. In the second mode, heuristic
will simply return 0. The number of calls to the heuristic in each mode is printed in the tester output. Note that the heuristic efficiency calculation depends on the specific implementation of Astar. Therefore your local values might differ from the server’s results. Nevertheless, this should tell you if you’re on the right track.
(HINT 1) The edge weight is the travel time between the 2 nodes, hence you should think about converting travel distance into travel time. Under which condition will the time metric be admissible?
(HINT 2) To obtain the distance between 2 coordinates, you may find useful the function osmnx.distance.great_circle_vec()
(HINT 3) For UCS and Astar, you may find Python’s heapq
module useful.
Test cases and performance criteria
The algorithms are going to be tested on different graphs, each containing randomly generated queries (start & goal node).
You will be able to test your algorithms on some test cases with given solution, the outputted Path
will be compared to the solution.
After running the exercise, you’ll find reports in out/[exercise]/
for each test case. There you’ll be able to visualize the graphs, your output and the solution.
These test cases are not graded but serve as a guideline for how the exercise will be graded overall.
The final evaluation will combine 3 metrics lexicographically <number of solved cases, accuracy, efficiency>:
Accuracy: Both UCS and A* will be evaluated. A
to be considered correct has to fully match the correct solution. Averaging over the test cases we compute an accuracy metric as (# of correct paths)/(# of paths). Thus, accuracy will be in the interval [0, 1]. - Efficiency: Your efficiency score will incorporate both the solve time and the heuristic efficiency. The precise weighting of these metrics has not been determined. However, a simple heuristic should suffice. After all, choosing a computationally complex heuristic might affect the solve time.
Update your repo and run exercise
Make sure to update your repo before running the exercise. Please refer to Hello World for instructions.